A fable by Danielle Robinson
The night sky is not what it seems. But look up, for it is a thing of beauty.
Many years ago before humans roamed the land there was an abundance of animals and magistical human like creatures and they all had very diverse characteristics. There were twelve of them and each had a part to play on the earth where they controlled and took care of the water, earth, fire, and air.
There were the creatures that controlled the water element: Pisces, the fish, that controlled the rivers and streams. Cancer, a crab, that controlled the seas and oceans. Scorpio, the scorpion, that controlled the waters under the earth.
Next there were the earth creatures: Capricorn, the goat, nurtured the plants and trees and flowers that grew. Taurus, the bull, created mountains and took care of the hills and valleys that were on the earth. Virgo, the virgin, saw that the bees and other insects took care of their part in helping the earth.
Then thirdly there were the creatures of fire: Aries, the ram, who controlled the fire that later people soon learned how to make that provide heat and protection. Leo, the lion, controlled the hot boiling lava that would create new islands. Saggitarious, the archer, controlled lightning and where it strikes.
Lastley came the air element with the creatures who had dominion over that which is seen and unseen: Aquarius, the water bearer, who demonstrates hard work. Gemini, the twins, that teach trust. Libra, the scales, who taught balance on the earth.
They all lived in harmony for many centuries and worked together to balance all the elements of the earth.
One day all the creatures that controlled the water and air elements came to a disagreement with the fire and earth and a feud started between them. They fought and heavy rains poured from the sky and began to flood the earth. Aries spread fires across the land and Leo caused his volcanoes to erupt out of the oceans. The ground shook and split and there were tornados and hurricanes. All creatures became involved and caused great destruction upon the land.
When the Gods realized what was happening to the earth they knew they had to find a way to stop it so they banished all the creatures of the elements up into space where they couldn't hurt the earth anymore.
After they were banished to space the creatures took refuge in the stars. In the dark sky at night you can also see the shapes they took in the stars. They lay in all directions of the sky and became the constellations. The constellations have been used over the years to help direct travelers and sailsmen on the right path to their destination.
Earth learned how to balance itself and the four elements and doesn't rely on the direction from the creatures of the elements any longer. The creatures of the four elements beg and weep to the gods for permission to return home but the Gods will not listen for they’ve been sent to the stars for eternity.
Some nights they weep in agony for the loss of earth and no longer being on the world they used to call home. Their tears flood the atmosphere and create colors that dance across the sky and it is what we now see and call the Northern Lights.
About the Author
Danielle Robinson enjoys singing, participating in musicals, playing soccer, but not writing. She is a part of her school concert choir which is the top choir in the state of Alaska. Every spring she auditions for the musical too. She also enjoys sports and plays on her high school team every spring season which went to state last school year. Danielle hopes to pursue becoming a police officer after graduating.
About the Artist
Rebekah Robinson delights in her children and husband. She also loves reading, singing with her local Sweet Adelines Chorus, and of course - painting. She tried to convince Danielle to start her bio by saying she likes to go hunting in the wilds of Alaska for a week with just a fanny pack. But, alas, Danielle is an independent woman and would not have it! So that was just fluff to put into Rebekah’s bio as she has nothing else to say.